We provide safety and equipment based training to eligible members of Local 955. Training is provided by knowledgeable and experienced instructors at the Budd Coutts Apprenticeship and Education Centre with ample room for practical exercises. Contact the Apprenticeship and Education Office at 780.483.8955 to find out more.
Reimbursement of up to $750 of training costs taken through an approved independent provider may be available to eligible members. Go to the Policies and Forms page to download and print the Reimbursement request form.
Browse the Available Courses pages to register for your training.
As a member in good standing of Local 955, working for an employer that contributes into the Training Fund, you may be eligible for training. Training courses taken through Apprenticeship and Education are free of charge for eligible members. Local 955 Apprenticeship and Education may provide up to $750 for training taken through an independent provider. Call the Apprenticeship and Education office before you book to ensure you are eligible, and that you are considering a recommended training provider.
For more information, read our Training Policy here.
Phone: (780) 483-8955
Apprenticeship and Education Office: 3rd floor at the Union Hall #322, 17603 114 Avenue, Edmonton.
Email: [email protected]